Our Dietitians are registered and proud to provide their services to Defence members.

Our dedication to this important service has been unwavering and we will continue to work closely with Defence members well into the future. We draw on our experience over many years working with Defence members and are equipped to appreciate the logistics and demands that comes with being an active service member. Our Dietitians will work with members to prescribe plans which support the energy requirements to fulfil working, training and ultimately, deploying with the Defence Force.

Below are some of the many ways we can support Defence members and their families:

  • Meal plans and education to support energy requirements

  • Food and supplements for increasing muscle mass

  • Calorie intake to support weight loss or weight gain

  • Nutrition to manage chronic disease

  • Nutrition for reducing cholesterol and other blood profiles

Please see the on base medical team for a referral to one of our Dietitians.